Monday, September 3, 2012

A Separate Piece Discussion Questions and Quotations

Greetings English 98 Students!

For each set of questions and quotations for ASP, please do the following:

1. Answer the questions at the top of the page. Those of you who did your summer homework should have no trouble completing these - it's fine with me if you use the same information.

2. Choose one quotation and write a short paragraph telling me the following:

1. What is the context of this quotation? (Who said it, what is happening at this point in the story, etc.)
2. Why is it a significant quotation? (What does it show us about a character or a big idea in the story?)
3. Why did you connect to it? (Did it remind you of something you've seen or experienced, etc.?)

You may write this information on a separate piece (ha!) of paper, either handwritten or typed. These responses will help you prepare for our class discussions each day, so please complete them carefully!

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