Thursday, September 27, 2012

Autobiography Journal #1 - 9/27

Autobiography Journal Topics:


Choose ONE and write a longer journal entry about it (about a page and a half).


Don’t worry too much about grammar, spelling, or organization at this point. Those things will come later!


1.   Jim McLaren’s life was changed forever in two separate moments. Think of a “moment” in your life that you recall vividly, which taught you something you’ve never forgotten, and describe that moment.


2.   What is the best gift you’ve ever given OR the best gift you’ve ever received? Describe the gift, when you gave/received it, and what the experience made you realize. What made it such a great gift?


3.   First impressions are tough to overcome, but often they are wrong. Write about a time when you misjudged someone upon first meeting them OR a time when someone misjudged you upon first meeting you.


One of these topics will eventually form the basis of your autobiographical narrative. For today, you’re just writing about 1 ½ pages to get your brain moving.

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